Blog Nine

Informed Christianity

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Finally Some Truth

In all the post-modern, emergent, heretical talk that is going on in the Church today, it is really refreshing to turn aside and read some Truth. So refreshing in fact, that I am repeating what I read here. The following is a quote from Wilbur Smith's book, Therefore Stand:

“Let us never think that a real revival can ever occur unless it is characterized by a return to that great and final sacrifice of the Lamb of God, who is the eternal propitiation for our sins, and by whose precious blood atonement was forever provided for all who would confess their sins, and receive the gift of eternal life. As long as there is an ignoring of the Cross, or a perverted conception of the meaning of the Cross, or an abhorrence of the precious blood of the Son of God, as there is on the part of great multitudes today, even in the Christian church, a revival cannot come, at least a revival that saves the souls of men. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins, and unless the blood of Christ is preached, and the Cross lifted high before the eyes of men, how can men ever be saved, and unless men are saved, in any great religious movement, what right have we to call such a movement a real revival? There is no forgiveness apart from the Cross, God is not reconciled apart from the Cross, eternal life will never be conferred apart from the death of Christ, and if there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, no receiving of eternal life, then all our efforts are in vain, and whatever a religious movement accomplishes, it is not revival. ”

- Wilbur Smith, Therefore Stand, p517

There's only one thing that can be said to that: Amen.


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