Blog Nine

Informed Christianity

Friday, September 01, 2006


So the purpose of this blog is to talk about all things Christianity. The Second Coming appears to be nearly here, and the Church is splitting in two, and those of us who are trying to stay true to the God of the Bible have some serious times ahead of us. Hopefully this blog will not only help people be ready for Christ when He returns (that is such an awesome thought!), but also help expose some of the deception that is rampant throughout the church, and even help get a grounding on things like creation (as opposed to evolution) and stuff like that.

So I figured a good way to start would be talking about the beginning. I've been rereading a book recently called The Discovery of Genesis - How the Truths of Genesis were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language. Basically the book is the result of 40 years of research by two guys into how the story of Genesis, up to the dispersion at Babel, was recorded in the creation of the Chinese language. Here's a few examples:

Now I'm aware these are vey badly drawn, in some cases there are several ways of drawing the same word, and in other cases the form shown may actually be archaic - ie. no longer used these days. Apparently there are heaps of different "fonts" in the Chinese writing system, and I think this one was invented around 200BC or something. Anyway, this first word above, the word "create" consists of four radicals - dust or mud, life/motion, walking, and mouth. Why use these specific elements to build the word "create" (it also means "begin" or "from")?

Well Genesis 2:7, which describes the creation of man, comes to mind - "the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed (with his mouth) into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. If you remove the character for "walking" from this pictogram, then you are left with another pictogram meaning "talking" - so the character for "create" is also comprised of two parts that shows that Adam was created as an adult - able to walk and talk.

This one is very interesting! Here we see the character for "tempter". It comprises of the radicals for "cover", two "trees" and "devil". Genesis 3 immediately comes to mind - where was the devil when he tempted Eve? In the cover of one of the two trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden! Then there's the character for "devil" itself (shown above in red). This character itself is composed of the radicals for "garden" (also "plot of land"), "secretive" and "man" or
"person". The devil himself is portrayed as "the secretive person in the garden"!

One more for now:

The character for "boat". It consists of the radicals "vessels", "eight" and "mouths". Apparently the radical for "mouth" could also be used to mean person, though I don't know if it still is. Now, why would the word for "boat" mention eight people? Could it be because the first boat in history - the Ark - had eight people on board?!

These are only three examples of about thirty or forty in the book. I'll give some more examples every so often. Is that amazing or what? The ancient Chinese seem to have believed pretty much exactly in the Biblical version of events, yet they lived tens of thousands of kilometres from the Hebrews who wrote the Bible!

Anyway that's all for now.

God Bless~


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